
sThe herb water a big problem in the Nile Basin countries, due to evaporation caused by the massive amounts of drinking water for agriculture, and impede the movement of navigation, irrigation, and block waterways banks. It also consumes oxygen dissolved in water, which threatens the lives of fish and aquatic organisms. In addition, it houses many of the snails, such as bilharzia snails, reptiles and snakes

Although there is some news on the utilization of water hyacinth
in Egypt (such as the timber industry or feed), but there are some reservations

hyacinth consumes about 4 liters of water per day

  often a lot hyacinth in canals and streams and  thus there is a risk to workers in the water hyacinth

 More research on the world (so far) stresses the disposal of water hyacinth Industries that is based on a hyacint
 High cost of the process of industrialization and employment have a diet (feed for animals as well as the lack of nutritional value) and industrial Kokhcab and materials to help in the construction field

 Affect water quality and reduces the content of oxygen and result in an environment that is suitable for other types of bio-beneficial and encourages the growth of other neighborhoods harmful

The blocking of navigation through the formation of dense bodies of plant complex and compact

Cause significant pressure on the floating bridges erected on the rivers leading to dislodge and break and this is what actually happened in the pontine area and spend Zubaydiah Aziziyah

Obscures the arrival of sunlight into other neighborhoods that live in water, especially phytoplankton, which form the main base for the ecosystem and the main food for fish and zooplankton count, causing an imbalance in the delicate balance of the food web

Disrupt the operations of irrigation during the closure and prevent the flow of irrigation water in the narrow tables as well as the closure of irrigation and drainage pumps by entering parts

The removal of aquatic plants through the original settlement to compete with them and overcome them

Cause a significant increase in the quantities of decaying resulting from the death of parts of the plant and fall to the bottom of water which will cause a change in the environment of many other aquatic organisms and a change in the quality of water it produces a change and then in breach of the ecosystem